Islam doesn’t need reform, just updating Version 0 of 1. Mehdi Hasan is right – Islam doesn’t need a reformation (Opinion, 18 May). So, all deeply worried non-Muslim and ex-Muslim reformers, please relax. However, there is a provision of ijtehad in Islam which can take into account new developments and realities, and leading Muslim scholars can guide us on how to deal with them. The vast and silent majority of Muslims neither follow Wahabi nor Shia beliefs, hence their wishes should be respected when choosing a panel of Muslim scholars.Naseem KhawajaYateley, Hampshire • Now that the principle has been established (Prince Charles ‘black spider’ memos reveal lobbying of Tony Blair, 13 May), would it not be right if all pressure and lobbying of ministers by unaccountable agencies were made available for public scrutiny?Sara ClarkeCambridge • Before I read the letters now, my eyes are drawn to Carol Ann Duffy’s poem of the day. This is a cracking addition to the letters page and its subversive element makes it all the more relevant. Friday’s offering (Extinction by Jackie Kay) was very apposite and clever. It says more and means more than most mendacious mantras and makes my day meaningful and merciful to those poor people who are treated like flotsam and jetsam and unable to wash up on anyone’s shore. Theresa may not agree though.Judith DanielsGreat Yarmouth, Norfolk • I have already spent too long puzzling over your recent “A poem a day” feature. Please can we have a poem that rhymes? This would be of great benefit to your older readers who find them much easier to understand and memorise.Ian GarnerKeighley, West Yorkshire • If JCB thinks the EU is unimportant (EU exit may be in UK interest, says top firm, 18 May) why is it building an £18m HQ in Germany of all places?Ian LoweryKensworth, Bedfordshire |