Life doesn't come with trigger warnings. Why should books?

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Do we, as citizens of this uncomfortable and unpredictable world, have the luxury and privilege of receiving “trigger warnings” before being exposed to disturbing material about subjects like the Holocaust, lynching, murder and rape?

I taught courses in literature, creative writing and gender studies at the university level for 18 years without being asked for trigger warnings. But, during the past two years, more and more students have asked for them. They cite reasons similar to those given by the four Columbia university students who made headlines last week by insisting that Ovid’s Metamorphoses requires one because of rape scenes in the book.

Last year, when revising the curriculum for a gender-studies related course I teach, I omitted books with sexually violent material to protect my students from responding negatively. The one new book I hadn’t read all the way through before I assigned it (although I researched the book and watched a film based on it) contained a gang rape scene from the point of view of a young child. A small group of students grumbled. One student, in an anonymous teacher evaluation, wrote: “Not providing trigger warnings is not only detrimental to a students’ emotional well-being … but it also represents further invalidation/insult of rape survivors. Providing trigger warnings, honestly, is less of a request and more of a student’s demand for this professor if she intends to teach this class again.”

It is statements like these that make me want to opt out of teaching this material all together.

I want to scream: “I care! This is why I have chosen to teach difficult material, about the oppression of women and minorities, in the first place.” I worry that, by giving in to requests for trigger warnings, professors are telling this new generation of students that they need to be coddled.

I’m trying to understand. I’ve led workshops and conference panels about trigger warnings. In my Queer Literature course, I gave out a survey asking: would you want trigger warnings for every potentially triggering reading? Many said no and these are some of their reasons: “I would like to experience the novel without warning beforehand.” “I think one purpose of triggers is to face deep trauma and to hopefully grow from it.” “This is the real world and bad things happen. Caring for those affected by these topics is also a necessity.” “If someone is so shocked that they couldn’t deal with readings, they should really be seeking help professionally and not take the class at this time.” Other students disagreed. One said: “I think it is necessary to have uncomfortable conversations, but you need to be in the right frame of mind.”

I understand the need, if possible, to emotionally detach when discussing and reading about difficult topics. But isn’t discomfort the place where real learning takes place?

The American Association for University Professors (AAUP) issued a harsh statement against the use of trigger warnings in the academy, saying: “The classroom is not the appropriate venue to treat PTSD, which is a medical condition that requires serious medical treatment.”

I whole-heartedly agree with the AAUP statement. But I still struggle.

As a courtesy, I have begun providing a blanket content warning on my syllabi. Of course, there is no way to know which issues will be triggering for which students. On the first day of class I ask students to be aware of the possibility of triggers throughout the semester and to take care of themselves if they feel triggered — to seek counseling, to step out of the room, to talk with me. If a text contains blatant sexual abuse, I’ll most likely give a content warning. But not always.

Last month, I showed the film Thelma and Louise. I asked myself if I should give a warning about the film’s attempted rape scene. I decided not to. The scene needed to be a surprise, as it’s a major plot point and reason for the characters to embark on their journey.

I want to tell my students: sometimes I might not warn you. Not out of malice, but because I care. Because the outside world is full of triggers. Because any number of things, at any point of any day – the first few notes of a pop song, or the smell of french fries, or looking into the eyes of the man behind you at the bank – can trigger you. And you need to be ready and strong. You need to be prepared.