Welsh A&E target waiting times missed in April


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Waiting times at emergency departments across Wales improved last month, figures have shown.

In April 83.3% of patients were admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours.

They are up on March's percentage of 82.3%, but still well below the target of 95%.

A Welsh government spokesman welcomed the slight improvement but added there was no room for "complacency".

During April, 69,696 patients visited Welsh hospitals, compared to 67,527 in March.

The number of those who waited more than 12 hours fell from 2,442 to 2,145.

"Despite this increase in demand, performance against the four-hour target has improved this month," the Welsh government said.

"There are, however, no grounds for complacency. While the figures show the lowest number of patients spending more than 12 hours in A&E since November 2014, any delay for admission or discharge will not be tolerated. We continue to monitor the situation."

The most recent figures also fall short of April 2014's performance, which was 88.1%.