Jeb Bush changes course again, says he would not have invaded Iraq in 2003
Version 0 of 1. Jeb Bush has had a rough week when it comes to his hypothetical Iraq policy from 12 years ago. First he told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly early in the week that he would have invaded Iraq in 2003, like his brother, former President George W. Bush, actually did. Then he changed his mind and said he wasn’t sure what he would have done. Now he has changed his mind again and said that he has decided he would not have invaded Iraq.
Mr Bush was speaking at an Arizona event on Thursday and said, “Knowing what we know now ... I would have not engaged,“ he said. ”I would not have gone into Iraq.” His latest line differs significantly from what he said in an interview that aired on Monday. “I would have [authorized the invasion], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got,” the Republican presidential candidate said when asked about his brother’s controversial invasion of Iraq. The subsequent war in Iraq remains one of the most controversial pieces of the former President Bush’s legacy and this week’s comments have caused a headache for his younger brother. On Wednesday, Jeb was yelled at by a college student who accused George W. of creating Isis. Check back tomorrow for Jeb’s latest line on his 2003 Iraq policy, as it’s prone to change.
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