Blue-collar Tories in their hi-vis jackets Version 0 of 1. Has anyone spotted Messrs Cameron and Osborne in hi-vis jackets since the election? I gained the impression during the election that those blue-collar Conservatives wore them all the time.Malcolm RiversIsleworth, Middlesex • Gerald Haigh rightly draws attention to the contribution made by children during the second world war (Letters, 12 May). I, with a fellow evacuee, cultivated an allotmentfor a year or two, though we were motivated less by the war effort than by the fact we were excused rugby.David AbbeyEgham, Surrey • I was a schoolgirl during the war and a member of a knitting group. I remember knitting a balaclava helmet. Several months afterwards a sailor in uniform was at my front door. He had received my helmet and had come with a presentto say thank you – a beautiful Maltese lace nightdress case. He told us he had been on the convoys to Malta during the German blockade of the island. The helmet had helped to keep him warm. I was moved by his kindness and felt happy I had done something positive for the war effort, although I was only nine.Joyce MorganLondon • George Osborne is giving Manchester powers to run transport, health and social care (Report, 14 May). Why not go the whole hog and include education, which has become massively centralised as schools convert to academies? Maybe we could call the new bodies responsible for all the schools in their area “local education authorities”.Linda BalfeManchester • Surely the parallel for Boris Johnson as mayor of London (Letters, 13 May) and pretender PM is the indolent Emperor Galba, of whom Tacitus recorded: “Omnium consensu capax imperii nisi imperasset,” which might be put: “Thought by all capable of governing, until he governed.” Cave, Dave.Hal BishopExeter • Your “Hands off the BBC” T-shirt is now urgently needed. Guaranteed a sell-out (Report, Election 2015, 13 May).David MiddletonCardiff |