There’s so much to celebrate … and yet Version 0 of 1. With Ukip getting 12% of the vote but just one MP, I trust its supporters now regret that they didn’t support the Lib Dems’ 2011 referendum to bring in the alternative vote system. Ukip would have won a lot more seats with AV – the Lib Dems would still have been wiped out.Chris ParkinsLondon • Democracy in the UK 2015: a government opposed by two-thirds of those who voted, a second chamber comprised of lords, bishops and political appointees, and a hereditary billionaire head of state. We could do so much better.Dr Donald SmithHaddington, East Lothian • Sajid Javid believes it “proportionate and sensible” to need the backing of 40% of those eligible to vote in a ballot for a public service strike (On the table: BBC licence, strike votes and snooping, 13 May). He was elected on the backing of 37% of his Bromsgrove constituency. Beyond satire.Geoff ElliottNantwich, Cheshire • How do we celebrate Magna Carta in June? By getting rid of the Human Rights Act. How do we celebrate the Jacobite rebellion of 1715? By still behaving as though England is top nation. How do we celebrate Waterloo 1815? By a referendum on whether to stay or leave the EU.Ian BeckwithChurch Stretton, Shropshire • It is noteworthy that the total failure of every commentator and pundit to predict the outcome of the election has done nothing to inhibit the outpouring of confident opinion about what will happen next.Peter JohnsonIlkley, West Yorkshire • If the University of Oxford is so immensely rich (Oxford University raises a record £2bn through ambitious donation campaign, 12 May), why aren’t its fees the lowest in the land?David PageStarston, Norfolk |