Harriet Tubman recruited to appear on $20 bill after vote
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32726392 Version 0 of 1. Could Americans soon be calling their $20 bills "Tubmans?" Move over, former US President Andrew Jackson. Voters of an online poll have chosen famous abolitionist Harriet Tubman to replace him on the $20 bill. A grassroots campaign is pushing the US Department of the Treasury to put a woman on American currency. It comes before the 100th anniversary of a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. All seven bills currently in circulation in the US feature a man's face. The Woman on 20s campaign surveyed 600,000 people over 10 weeks and Tubman emerged as the winner. On Tuesday, Woman on 20s presented a petition to President Barack Obama encouraging him to urge Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew to make the change. Other leading women in the survey included former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, civil rights activist Rosa Parks and leader of the Cherokee nation Wilma Mankiller. "Our paper bills are like pocket monuments to great figures in our history," said Women On 20s executive director Susan Ades Stone in a statement on Tuesday. "Our work won't be done until we're holding a Harriet $20 bill in our hands in time for the centennial of women's suffrage in 2020." Tubman is known as the "conductor" of the Underground Railroad that allowed many slaves to escape to freedom in the 1850s. Women appear on three banknotes in Sweden. In Australia, there's an equal number of men and women on its banknotes. |