Catherine Deneuve: 'Social media has stopped people dreaming about stars'

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Celebrated French actor Catherine Deneuve denounced social media at a press conference for her new film, Standing Tall (La Tête Haute), which has opened the Cannes film festival.

Asked to clarify remarks in an interview in which the star of The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Belle de Jour and Repulsion had lamented “there are no longer any stars”, Deneuve, 71, said: “It’s the social networks that prevent people from dreaming any more about stars. Their private life is displayed constantly on social networks; and some even post private pictures of themselves. I find it a pity. Being a star entails glamour and secrecy; it’s hard to keep any degree of mystery nowadays.”

The actor also had harsh words for the response to a remark she made about the coastal town of Dunkerque, where Standing Tall was filmed. In an interview with Elle, Deneuve was quoted as saying she had noticed the “sadness” of the town, and that “cigarettes and alcohol were the only things that worked”. Deneuve told the Cannes press corps that “social networks have blown it out of proportion”. “I am entitled to my thoughts, she said. “I don’t think one negative sentence about Dunkerque, out of context, means I have to justify myself.”

Deneuve was also asked for her view of the unflattering illustration of her on the cover of the new issue of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, in which she is portrayed as a large cuboid being under the announcement: “Suspect package on the Croisette! False alarm! It’s Catherine Deneuve!” Saying she hadn’t yet seen the magazine, Deneuve said: “You can’t expect Charlie Hebdo to have a picture like a fashion magazine. I hope it’s funny at least, even if it’s a bit nasty.”

The row threatened briefly to overshadow the premiere of Standing Tall, the film occupying Cannes’ prestigious opening slot, which tells the story of a troubled teenager, called Malony, from northeastern France and his progress through the child protection system. Deneuve plays a veteran judge who has to supervise Malony’s case, and develops a familiarity and even affection for him. Malony is played by Rod Paradot, who was 18 when the film was shot, who director Emanuelle Bercot discovered while he was doing his apprenticeship as a carpenter.

Related: La Tête Haute review – Catherine Deneuve rules over solid Cannes opener

Deneuve said she had spent a considerable period sitting in on tribunals and hearings conducted by real-life judges in preparation for the role, and was impressed by their commitment to their charges’ welfare. “I didn’t expect to see such patience,” she said. “They really listened to the children – it was far less brutal than I thought... You can only do the job if you have a real vocation. These children don’t talk much, they are locked in themselves, they know full well they are in the margins. There are a lot of people involved who do their best to help… but one can’t save everyone.”

Bercot, only the second female director to have been given the opening film slot, denied that women film-makers have a problem in French cinema. She said: “I don’t feel I am a minority in France; we don’t suffer discrimination. Women are well represented here. I know it’s different in other countries.”

When it was pointed out that there were only two women, out of 19 film-makers, in competition at Cannes this year, Bercot responded: “It’s true we are fewer in number, but we are recent in the cinema in France. Things are moving in the right direction. It’s important that the films chosen are beautiful ones, and there are many women directors emerging in this new generation.”

The opening day of the Cannes film festival also saw the annual press conference with the jury members, this year led by the Coen brothers, and including actors Sienna Miller, Jake Gyllenhaal and Sophie Marceau, and directors Guillermo del Toro and Xavier Dolan among their number. Since none of the films have yet been screened for them, the jury press conference is traditionally uneventful, although the Coens cracked a few jokes and parried questions with a deadpan wit.

Asked on their apparent disdain for TV – despite the success of the FX series Fargo, based on their hit 1996 film of the same name – Ethan Coen said he “hadn’t watched TV in decades” and Joel Coen said that his wife, Frances McDormand, would “kill him” as she had just completed work on an HBO series – presumably Olive Kitteridge, in which McDormand plays a math teacher.

The Coens also reacted dismissively to the advent of digitally released films, with Joel saying: “Do you mean: how do we feel about people watching Lawrence of Arabia on their iPhone?” After the laughter subsided he added: “There’s something special about watching a movie in a big group of people, on a big screen. Nothing can compete with that.”

The Cannes film festival runs until 24 May.