Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet Uncovers Shipwreck’s Remnants

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SYDNEY, Australia — Search crews looking for a Malaysia Airlines jet believed to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean have found the remnants of a shipwreck — including an anchor and possibly a ship’s bell — resting on the seabed almost two and a half miles down.

It is not what searchers were hoping to find. Paul Kennedy, search director for Fugro Survey, a division of a Dutch company hired by the Australian government to look for wreckage from the Boeing 777-200 flying as Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, said the debris was not from the jet.

“But it’s given us a great deal of confidence,” Mr. Kennedy said in a telephone interview from the search vessel, the Fugro Discovery. “It shows we are able to find small pins and small pieces of metal on the seafloor, a long way down. Pieces from MH370 would be roughly 10 times as big as that.”

The ship was likely a merchant sailing ship, although the presence of scattered coal through the debris may indicate that it had an auxiliary steam-powered engine, said James Hunter, a Royal Australian Navy maritime archaeologist.

The jet, carrying 239 people on what was supposed to be a routine flight to Beijing from the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, disappeared on March 8, 2014. Analysis of flight data, signals picked up from the plane and an unanswered satellite phone call from a ground employee to the plane indicate the flight tracked south over the Indian Ocean, over the sea off the coast of Western Australia, where investigators say it fell into the water after running out of fuel.

Despite intensive sea surface and underwater searches, no debris has been found.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, which is coordinating the search for the plane, said sonar equipment had detected objects scattered across the seafloor. An underwater camera was used to take images from about 26 feet above the seafloor.

“It’s a fascinating find,” said Peter Foley, the director of the search at the bureau. “But it’s not what we’re looking for. We’re not pausing in the search for MH370. In fact, the vessels have already moved on to continue the mission.”

He added, “It’s shown that if there’s a debris field in the search area, we’ll find it.”

Sea routes through the Roaring Forties — strong westerly winds in the Southern Hemisphere between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees — were popular with sailors who depended on wind to move their cargo. Dr. Hunter said the ship, likely to date from 1850 to about 1910, based on the general form of the anchor and iron mast bands that can be seen on the seabed, may have been traveling from Europe, sailing around the southern edge of Australia before heading north.

Officials from Australia, China and Malaysia agreed in April to extend the search area for the missing jet. They also agreed to a protocol around the recovery of any debris.

An area of about 23,100 square miles has been deemed the most likely to include the plane’s resting place, and four ships are under contract to the Australian and Malaysian governments to scour the area along a deep arc, known as the seventh arc.

The Australian transport bureau said a total area of 46,000 square miles would be searched, with the ships moving in a sweeping action, like mowing a lawn, up and down the arc. Debris from the shipwreck was found 12 nautical miles to the east of the seventh arc.

“It is in the middle of nowhere, so some poor soul would have been lost,” Mr. Kennedy said. “We aren’t there to do an investigation of a shipwreck. We won’t pick it up; we wouldn’t spend taxpayers’ money doing that. It is not what we are here to do.”

Mr. Kennedy said some of the search vessels had returned to the Australian port of Fremantle to be re-equipped for the harsh weather and high seas of the Southern Hemisphere winter.