Teenager Drew Holm takes 93-year-old great-grandmother to his school prom
Version 0 of 1. Teenager Drew Holm had no intention of attending his high school prom. “I don’t have anyone to take and I could care less about it,” he told his great-grandmother when she asked why he wasn’t going. “Well, I’ve got a dress, I’ll go with you,” she replied. Katie Keith, 93, had meant her offer as a joke, but it didn’t stop her great-grandson from asking his Principle’s permission to take someone over the age of 21 to his prom. Before she knew it, he had sent her a formal invite and she was off to the high school dance. “I thought, if that kid wants me to go to the prom that bad, I’ll go, the heck with it,” she told Wave News. The pair attended the event at Crothersville Junior-Senior High and shared a dance together. The prom ended at 9pm for Drew as his great-grandmother had an early bed-time, but he then met up with his girlfriend - whom he had started dating after he formally asked Keith to the dance - at an after party at a bowling alley. Holm said is classmates thought it was “pretty cool” he’d taken his great-grandmother to the dance. He told Wave News that he could even ask Keith again in his senior year, but Keith said “one’s enough”. |