South Korean Reservist Goes on Shooting Rampage Before Killing Himself Version 0 of 1. SEOUL, South Korea — A South Korean Army reservist shot and killed a fellow soldier and wounded three others at a firing range on Wednesday before committing suicide, a Defense Ministry spokesman said. The shootings took place at a training ground for reservists in southern Seoul, said the spokesman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the rules of his office. The attacker killed himself with a rifle, the spokesman said, adding that his motive was being investigated. Mass shootings by disgruntled soldiers in South Korea, which has technically been at war with North Korea for decades, have occurred occasionally in recent years, raising concerns about discipline within the military. All able-bodied South Korean men are required to serve in the armed forces for 21 to 24 months; afterward, they must serve in the reserve army for several years and attend regular training sessions, including shooting drills. |