Red 'makes men look angry', Durham scientists find Version 0 of 1. Wearing red makes men look angry and aggressive, new research claims. The colour sends a signal in the same way as an irate, flushed face, Durham University scientists have found. Shown images of men wearing red T-shirts, the study's 50 male volunteers also rated them as "dominant" although the 50 female volunteers did not. Study leader Prof Rob Barton said the results raised questions about the advisability of wearing red in some social situations. PhD student Diana Wiedemann, who conducted the tests, said: "Being perceived as aggressive or dominant may be an advantage in some circumstances but a disadvantage in others, for example where teamwork or trustworthiness is important. "We know that the colour red has an effect on the human brain. "This is embedded in our culture, for example the idea of wearing a red tie - known as a 'power tie' - for business, or issuing a red alert." Previous Durham University research suggested the colour could give sportsmen and women an advantage but it believes this latest study is the first to look at the effect of the colour in neutral social settings. To limit the number of variables volunteers only viewed images of men but the perceptions of women wearing red may be a topic for future research, the university said. |