Vienna's gay, straight and lesbian crossing lights show all walks of life

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Vienna has installed pedestrian crossing lights depicting straight, gay and lesbian couples as the city prepares to host a series of events linked to themes of tolerance – including the Eurovision Song Contest, won in 2014 by the cross-dressing Austrian singer Conchita Wurst.

The city has started setting up walk, don’t walk lights that show pairs of figures instead of the usual stick men. Some depict a man and a woman; others, two women or two men.

The lights are being erected at 47 crossings and will stay up until June. Vienna hosts several events linked to tolerance during that time, including the Life Ball, Europe’s biggest charity event for Aids and HIV research, and the Eurovision Song Contest.

Pedestrians were neutral to positive when asked whether they liked the concept. “I think this is a great idea,” said Clemens Bendtner. “The topic of equality and equal treatment is a very important issue, and it is getting some attention through the campaign.”

But not all Austrians are as accepting. The Freedom party has announced it is lodging a criminal complaint against Vienna council member Maria Vassilakou, who is in charge of traffic issues in the city.

Party officials say the lights contravene traffic regulations and are a waste of taxpayers’ money at a cost of €63,000.

The city in turn says that the lights conform to laws and are meant not only to show tolerance. Municipal officials say they also hope the signals will draw more attention from pedestrians and reduce jaywalking.

The Associated Press contributed to this report