David Cameron revives moves for tough action against non-violent extremists to target radicalisation
Version 0 of 1. Plans for tough action against non-violent extremists will be detailed by David Cameron as he revives measures blocked as too hardline in the Coalition by the Liberal Democrats. The moves, which will feature prominently in the new Conservative Government’s first Queen’s Speech, will provoke a civil liberties backlash and face condemnation for undermining freedom of speech. But Mr Cameron will argue that it is time to confront “poisonous” Islamist ideology and “conclusively turn the page” on passive tolerance of extremist views. Legislation will be fast-tracked to outlaw groups which seek to “undermine democracy or use hate speech in public places” but fall short of current terrorist proscription thresholds. Civil orders will be introduced to restrict the activities of individuals who are judged to want to radicalise young adults. “Closure orders” will be brought in to shut mosques and other buildings used by extremist preachers, while migrants arriving on visas will be asked to declare they will respect British values. Extra powers will be given to Ofcom, the broadcasting watchdog, to act against television channels which broadcast hardline views and to the Charity Commission to crack down on groups which propagate extremist ideology. A similar package was shelved before the election because of Lib Dem opposition and Tory ministers also expressed concerns over some of the proposed measures. Addressing the first National Security Council meeting to contain only Tory ministers, the Prime Minister will say: “We must say to our citizens: this is what defines us as a society. To belong here is to believe in these things. And it means confronting head-on the poisonous Islamist extremist ideology.” |