Mobility scooter driver knocked down and repeatedly ran over pedestrian
Version 0 of 1. Police are hunting a mobility scooter driver in his 70s who they say deliberately knocked down a pedestrian and ran over him several times, resulting in the victim needing hospital treatment. The 67-year-old pedestrian suffered a broken ankle and knee in the incident in Southampton on Monday afternoon. A Hampshire police spokesman said: “The victim was on the pavement on Portswood Road when he was knocked over by another man who was on a mobility scooter. “The victim was run over by the mobility scooter a number of times and has sustained injuries to his leg including a broken ankle and knee. He is currently in hospital receiving treatment for his injuries. A woman intervened to assist the victim.” The attacker is described as white, in his mid- to late 70s, 5ft 9ins and of slim build, with short grey hair and clean-shaven. DC Dal Andrews said: “We believe the victim was deliberately targeted in this unprovoked attack. There were a number of people present at the time and when the ambulance crew were in attendance. I am appealing for these people to get in contact with us as they may have information that could assist our investigation.” |