Police recover guns from George Zimmerman and man who shot at him


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Police say they have recovered a handgun from George Zimmerman and took two guns from a man accused of shooting at Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer security guard acquitted two years ago in the death of a young unarmed African American.

Related: George Zimmerman wounded in Florida shooting incident

The case sparked protests and a national debate about race relations. The US Justice Department later announced it was not bringing a civil rights case against Zimmerman.

The shooting is the latest in a series of run-ins Zimmerman has had with the law, random strangers and his ex-wife.

In Lake Mary, an Orlando suburb, police officer Bianca Gillett said on Tuesday that detectives are still investigating and no charges have been filed against Zimmerman or Matthew Apperson.

Zimmerman and Apperson were involved in a road-rage episode earlier this year, but no charges were filed in that case.

Two guns were taken from Apperson’s car, including a revolver that had a spent shell casing. Police say they will also execute a search warrant on Zimmerman’s pickup truck.

Both men had the guns legally.

Police say the shooting occurred on Monday on a busy road. Zimmerman suffered minor injuries.