Las Vegas is going to host a recovering cocaine addict convention

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In a possibly brave, possibly foolhardy move, the 31st Annual Cocaine Anonymous World Service is heading to Vegas.

Renowned for psychedelic drug trips and heavy alcohol use, not to mention its all-consuming gambling addiction, the city appears to have been chosen precisely because of its reputation, with the event bearing the slogan: "We absolutely insist on enjoying life".

"That’s right," the group's news release proclaims. “A proud fellowship of recovering drug addicts will soon converge on the most sinful of all cities May 21-25. We are opening our doors Friday the 22nd at 10am to members of the media who might be interested in doing a story on the event.

"We believe that many people outside of Cocaine Anonymous are very concerned about the serious problem of drug addiction.

"We hope that you will find this an excellent opportunity to find out how a large (and growing) number of people have learned to help each other to recover from drug addiction, and to live a more spiritual, happy and fulfilling life 'one day at a time.'"

Events include golf, workshops and 'Crackhead Family Feud'. You can find more information on the event here.
