First past the post – it would be a good idea Version 0 of 1. The existing two dimensional leftwing/rightwing description is surely inadequate. A rightwing party, Ukip, drew just as many, if not more, votes from the left as it did from the right. Time for another dimension to properly describe this situation?Martin JeevesCardiff • Many MPs were not first-past-the-post because most of them didn’t even reach it. Only 50% of the MPs, 316 of them, were elected by a majority of their constituents. Yet they now use majority voting in parliament?Peter EmersonBelfast • Did anyone recognise the country described by David Cameron in Downing Street? If so, do tell, because I’d like to move there.Derek HaseldenRoss-on-Wye, Herefordshire • Who ever thought that the Australians (Crosby and Murdoch) would rule Britain?Elizabeth BakhurstBarnet, Hertfordshire |