Archbishop sparks Sharia furore

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The Archbishop of Canterbury finds himself the focus of almost every newspaper after his comments saying Sharia law in the UK was "unavoidable".

The Guardian records the criticism from "across the political spectrum", and the Daily Telegraph says he is caught in a "fierce row" after the comments.

The Daily Express goes as far as saying Dr Williams stands accused of surrendering to Muslim extremists.

The Sun is direct as ever: "What a Burkha!" is its front page headline.

Sharia slated

The row sparked by the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments on Sharia law triggers analysis inside the papers.

The Mirror explains its literal meaning - "pathway to water" - while the Daily Star describes Sharia law as a "savage religious code of conduct".

The Guardian says although brutal punishments have become a potent symbol of Sharia, they are not adopted everywhere in the Islamic world.

It says Muslims adopt Sharia in varying degrees, as a matter of conscience.

Taxing times

A government minister is pictured with a concerned expression on the front of the Financial Times.

Trade minister Lord Jones has told the paper the Treasury's new clampdown makes it harder to sell Britain to skilled foreign workers and investors.

Life is more difficult for primary school children as well, according to the front page of the Independent.

It says researchers have found English pupils are under more exam pressure than those anywhere else in the world.

Cleric kicked out

The Daily Mail is triumphant that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has ratified the extradition of radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri.

The paper's front page explains that "hook-handed preacher of hate" Abu Hamza faces spending the rest of his life in jail in the US.

The Daily Mirror's front page has become an advertising hoarding: For Sale, Our National Game, it says.

It is outraged at a Premier League plan to hold 10 extra matches abroad.