Election Results video: Watch David Cameron celebrate “the sweetest victory of all” in speech at Conservative HQ


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It has been a great night for the Conservatives and a great night for their leader, and this was reflected in his speech at Tory headquarters where David Cameron celebrated it “the sweetest victory of all”.

After securing a surprise majority, Cameron spoke to his Conservative Party candidates and aides at Tory HQ, praising them for their hard work and tireless campaigning.

In the speech, Cameron referenced Margaret Thatcher’s election victory in 1987, the surprise win for John Major in 1992 and his victory in 2010 after 13 years of Labour government, but admitted this year’s win was the “sweetest victory of them all”.

The jubilant Cameron said: “There are so many things to celebrate - the fact the pundits got it wrong, the pollsters got it wrong, the commentators got it wrong.

Watch David Cameron's "sweetest' victory speech below

  “The real reason to celebrate tonight, the real reason to be proud, the real reason to be excited is we are going to get the opportunity to serve our country again.

“That is what it's all about that brilliant, positive, upbeat manifesto."