Letter: Jim Markwick the sportsman


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Jim Markwick, the Guardian’s former managing director, whom I was lucky enough to know over many years, had so much effortless charm that you could almost touch it. He was a highly accomplished sportsman and an enthusiastic mountaineer, too.

Several years ago he organised a trip to climb Mont Blanc, which I joined towards the end. I had set off first thing for the summit, but stopped, utterly knackered, on the snow a couple of hundred metres below the top while my climbing partner went ahead. At least, I thought, old Markwick won’t get this far. Then of course who should appear but Jim, looking as fit and as strong as ever and patiently following his guide. He did of course reach the top: he would have been then nearing 60, and his celebration that night in Chamonix was one hell of a party; mine less so.

Related: Jim Markwick obituary

Earlier, he had put together a strong group to climb Mount Elbrus, in the Russian Caucasus, the highest peak in Europe. Before setting off for the route, we were billeted in the valley below in a sumptuous dacha that had been the summer retreat of a very senior communist apparatchik. A few of us were relaxing in the sauna when Jim entered, a towel round his waist and a glass of Russian champagne in his hand. “Well,” said Jim, a classic one-nation Tory who had stood as a Conservative parliamentary candidate, “if this is communism, let’s have more of it.”

He came on several tours with the Guardian cricket team, though was a much better player than most of us humble hacks – a most elegant batsman, and a very whippy opening bowler. No matter how inept some of us were when fielding or catching to him, he was never less than charm itself. He was a wonderful tourist, whose MCC tie gave the Guardian cricketers a sheen we didn’t necessarily deserve. Jim was a great life force, with whom it was a privilege to have spent time.