Tuition fee call on dental school

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Lib Dem leader Nicol Stephen has called for action to ensure students at Aberdeen's planned new dental school do not have to pay tuition fees.

The £15m school is set to open its doors in October.

The school would train 20 students each year, after 15 in the first year, in a bid to ease shortages.

A Scottish Government spokesman said fees at the Aberdeen dental school would be £1,735 a year, but there would be bursaries of £4,000 a year.

Mr Stephen said that as it requires students to already have a degree, those studying there would have to pay the added tuition fees.

'Comprehensive' commitment

He challenged First Minister Alex Salmond on the issue at First Minister's Questions.

He asked Mr Salmond: "Can the first minister tell me and this chamber if any students at the Aberdeen dental school will have to pay tuition fees?"

The first minister said the government's commitment to the dental school was "comprehensive".

Mr Salmond also responded by attacking Mr Stephen for failing to establish a dental school in Aberdeen when he was part of the previous Scottish Executive.