Pressure rises for new runway after Heathrow domestic flights revealed to have halved in 25 years

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The number of domestic airports with flight connections to Heathrow has more than halved over the past 25 years, fuelling the debate on the need for runway expansion, a report says.

Whatever single party, coalition, or loose arrangement of parties takes power after today’s general election faces a tough choice over expanding runway capacity in the South-East. The UK is fast falling behind other international hub airports, such as Dubai and Schiphol near Amsterdam – but campaigners say that expansion will also boost connectivity with Britain’s regional airports. 

The Airports Commission will recommend either expansion costing up to £18.6bn at Heathrow or a £9.3bn second runway at Gatwick this summer. Ministers will then decide whether to approve the choice in the face of fierce opposition from environmental campaigners who fear both air and construction pollution.

Pro-expansion campaign group Let Britain Fly has produced a report showing that domestic routes have suffered as Heathrow and Gatwick have run out of spare capacity. In 1990, there were 19 domestic destinations served by Heathrow every week, down to eight today – a trend that has been broadly replicated across airports based in and around London.

The report said: “With improved air connectivity on the world map, there will be further opportunities for UK cities to attract projects.”