Guess what animal just visited Ed Miliband's polling station

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Ed Miliband may have been worried that he might get upstaged by one of his rivals on election day.

Yet instead, it was a farmyard animal that drew the attention of the media huddle outside the Labour leader's polling station in Doncaster North.

The animal made the trip with its owner to the polling station at Sutton Village Hall in Sutton, in the constituency Mr Miliband has heldĀ for the past ten years.

To find out what animal went into the polling booth not longer after the Labour leader, you can watch the video below:

For those curious about voting practices and rules, animals can be allowed into the polling station, so long as they do not disrupt the voting process. According to the Electoral Commission, in 2008 at the London Mayoral election, polling staff were told that dogs could enter the polling station in an "accompanying" role rather than roaming "free-range". Horses and ponies have to be tethered up outside.

There is no guidance from the Electoral Commission regarding other animals, such as the one in Doncaster. It is up to the presiding officer whether the animal is allowed into the polling station.

As seen in Mr Miliband's constituency, they will allow some animals to have a taste of democracy.