General Election 2015: The 10 best quotes

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The election campaign has been dull, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been some spicy quotes. Here are 10 of the best.

1. "Am I tough enough? Hell, yes, I'm tough enough." Ed Miliband bats away suggestions he would be too weak on the international stage. It likely to go down as one of the quotes we remember this election by.

2. If I'm getting lively about it, it's because I feel bloody lively about it." David Cameron attempts to prove how passionate he is about wanting a second term as Prime Minister after Tory donors criticised his lack of enthusiasm.

3. "Oh it's crats? I thought it was Liberal Demo-cats." Reality TV star Joey Essex is taught a thing or two during his meeting with Nick Clegg.

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg poses for a selfie with Joey Essex

4."Brain fade". Green party leader Natalie Bennett gave what was described as the "worst political leader's interview ever" on LBC Radio as she fails to answer how the Greens would pay for its ambitious housing policies.

Best General Election 2015 quotes  

5."We're a shining example of a country where multiple identities work. Where you can be Welsh and Hindu and British, Northern Irish and Jewish and British, where you can wear a kilt and a turban, where you can wear a hijab covered in poppies. Where you can support Man Utd, the Windies and Team GB all at the same time. Of course, I'd rather you supported West Ham."

David Cameron experienced his own brain fade when he forgot which football team he supported.

6.“This is a real career-defining … country-defining election that we face in less than a week’s time.”  The Prime Minister made another gaffe when he made it sound like the election was all about himself.

7. “Ed Miliband stabbed his own brother in the back to become Labour leader. Now he is willing to stab the United Kingdom in the back to become prime minister.”  Defence Secretary Michael Fallon launched a vicious personal attack on Ed Miliband. Ed and David Miliband

8. "Ajockalypse Now." The colourful term used by Boris Johnson to describe a Labour government propped up by the SNP.

9.“The SNP are openly racist. The anti-English hostility, and the kind of language that is used about and towards English people, is totally extraordinary.” Nigel Farage launches an attack on Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP party.

10. Terms are like Shredded Wheat. Two are wonderful, three might be too many." David Cameron rules out a third term as Prime Minister.

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