A sleep expert’s guide to surviving an election all-nighter
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/may/06/sleep-experts-guide-surviving-election-night Version 0 of 1. If you’re a diehard politico, a news junkie or just an interested citizen, you might be considering staying up all night or very late to watch the results come in. Here’s a guide to staying up late or pulling an all-nighter. Should I get some extra sleep tonight to build up my resources? Good question. Sleep does not work that way though. You can’t really “bank” sleep for a forthcoming debt, so if you do manage to get some extra sleep it probably means you weren’t getting enough in the first place. Should I drink coffee to keep me awake and alert? No. It may seem like a good idea at the time, but because it stays in the system for many hours, it may continue to keep you awake when you eventually want to go to bed. Can I snack? Yes, but nothing too heavy. You are more likely to crave foods high in fat and sugar but try to avoid these. Cereal with fruit … perfect. The same is true for the next day – you will be more tempted towards fat and sugar as the hormones that regulate hunger are likely to be a little out of whack. What about an alcoholic drink or two? No. It is likely to make you sleepy and the sleep you get will not be as refreshing. I want to watch at a friend’s house, is that okay? Sure. But remember that even if you don’t feel particularly sleepy your concentration, memory and reflexes are likely to be affected, so arrange to get a cab home. What about watching it in bed? You should not have a television in the bedroom in the first place. I always say the bedroom is for sleep and sex alone otherwise we tend to get mixed messages about what constitutes sleep time versus awake time. Should I have a lie-in the next morning to compensate? No. One of the best ways to get back on track is to keep the same routine, especially in terms of getting up in the morning. Remember, though, you may be extra sleepy the next morning, so try to avoid doing anything that may cause you or others harm, such as driving or operating heavy machinery. What can I do to survive the next day? Get up to natural light as soon as you are able to. It will help re-regulate your body clock even if it is cloudy outside. Now can I drink coffee? Absolutely. Some of us are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, however, so it may be best to avoid it after lunch, just in case. What about a nap? I would tend to say no unless you are really sleepy. If you do nap, try to keep it to less than 20 minutes or it may make you feel even worse. Avoid napping from late afternoon onwards as it may prevent you from dropping off to sleep that night. |