The pictures that show the rescue efforts for Nepal's animals and gives hope to survivors who depend on them for their livelihood
Version 0 of 1. As Nepal begins to process the effects of the devastating earthquake that killed more than 7,500 people, humanitarian services are still working to rescue the animals that survived the disaster. Nepal is reliant on its agriculture and people rely on their animals to generate income and for their food and transport. Thousands of animals were crushed to death or buried alive in the disaster and now aid agencies such as the Humane Society International, the Animal Welfare Network and World Animal Protection are working to provide veterinary care, shelter and food to the animals that survived. Humane Society International reported that in each village its aid workers have visited, the animals there have become sick from exposure to the heavy rain with many becoming too sick to eat. In Sengden Village, a remote area outside of Kathmandu where 85 per cent of houses were reportedly levelled, animals and people have been found living in makeshift tents.
One woman is still living in what remains of her home, surrounded by rubble, with her eight goats that she refuses to leave. “Call them what you want – my property, my family, my friends, they are all I have left,” she told Humane Society International’s rescue team. |