£85 lost due to a sales call offering to … end sales calls!


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Back in December, I was phoned by someone who asked whether I was getting a lot of sales calls at home and asked whether I would like to get them stopped for “a small fee”. The company was called NoMoreSalesCalls – I was told a box would be sent that would halt all the PPI and other sales calls.

I wasn’t thinking clearly at the time – my daughter was seriously ill – and I foolishly handed over my debit card details. The “small fee” turned out to be £85; the promised box I was told to plug into my phone system has not even turned up.

As soon as I realised I had been duped I tried to cancel the payment, but to no avail. They have even insisted that the box has been sent.

I am 86, this column is the first bit of paper I read every week, and have been a reader since it was the Manchester Guardian. AW, Scarborough

The irony – a company cold calling customers at home to sell them a box that will halt future unsolicited sales calls.

We have been trying to get through to NoMoreSalesCalls for two weeks, but it appears to be too busy calling elderly women, and others, to answer its own phones.

The company, which claims to be based in Bournemouth, doesn’t reply to answerphone messages or emails either, leading us to reluctantly conclude that it is no better than the other dismal operators- working in this area.

A quick internet search soon reveals that you are not alone – other people seem to be having similar problems even after sending their boxes back. If the company wants to get in contact with us we are ready to listen.

In the meantime, and in the face of the firm’s silence, we contacted your bank/card provider, Nationwide, which had agreed to push through a chargeback- to enable you to try to get your £85 back.

When it checked the transaction details it emerged that the 120-day cut off for chargebacks had already passed. But as a gesture of goodwill, Nationwide has decided it will very generously refund you the money, even though it was under no obligation to do so.

Other readers take note: don’t fall for this, or any, firm offering such services or charging for the Telephone Preference Service. The official TPS service is free to use. Sign up at Tpsonline.org.uk.

We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at consumer.champions@theguardian.com or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number