Freddie Gray death: None of the cops involved is responsible for death, police union says
Version 0 of 1. None of the officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray last month are responsible for his death, according to the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police, who sent an open letter to State Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby. All six officers were charged in Mr Gray’s death and one officer was charged with second-degree murder. His death, while in police custody, set off sometimes-violent protests in Baltimore. But the police union claims that the officers were doing their duty. “None of the officers involved are responsible for the death of (Freddie) Gray,” police union President Gene Ryan wrote in the open letter. “To the contrary, at all times, each of the officers diligently balanced their obligations to protect Mr. Gray and discharge their duties to protect the public.” An Open Letter to State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby 5/1/2015 Mr Ryan also called for an independent prosecutor to be appointed to look into the case. While each of the six officers faces charges in Mr Gray’s death, they still must stand trial before any convictions occur.
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