Organic milk and prenatal iodine

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Contrary to your article (Organic and UHT milk could put unborn babies at risk, says study, 28 April), our most recent testing of supermarket milk, carried out in January 2015 by an independent third party, has shown that organic milk is not deficient in iodine when compared with conventional milk. In the past year, mineral supplementation of organic cow feed has become routine across the industry and has shown comparable levels of iodine in organic versus non-organic milk.

There is no evidence to show mothers consuming organic milk have lower iodine levels. There are, however, scientifically proven health and environmental benefits to organic milk. Studies show that organic whole and semi-skimmed milk has 68% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, and higher levels of vitamin E and beta-carotene than non-organic milk. Dutch research has also shown incidence of eczema in infants fed on organic dairy products and whose mothers also consumed organic dairy products are 36% lower than those who consume conventional dairy products. Deficiency in iodine is due to a drop in overall milk consumption, rather than as a consequence of the type of milk being consumed.Nicholas SaphirChairman, Organic Milk Suppliers’ Co-Operative

Milk and dairy products contribute the largest percentage of iodine to the female adult diet in the UK

• The Reading University study does not reflect changes in farming practices. Iodine levels can vary from one type of milk to another and is influenced by seasonal variations. The fact that organic cows historically do not receive iodine in feed may explain why iodine levels have in the past been lower in organic milk. This practice however has now been changed. At the end of 2014, the industry resumed the practice of enriching feed with iodine and recent testing carried out in January 2015 on a representative number of milk samples found no significant difference in iodine levels between organic and conventional milk.

Milk and dairy products contribute the largest percentage of iodine to the female adult diet in the UK. As recent data shows that a large majority of young women and pregnant women do not achieve the recommended nutritional intake for iodine, it is important to keep in mind the role milk can play to achieve these targets. Although this study only reflects former practices, it does highlight the crucial role milk plays in a healthy diet by providing a wide range of essential nutrients including calcium, vitamins and iodine.Dr Judith Bryans Chief executive, Dairy UK

• Demand for organic produce has never been stronger. Organic milk was the only sector in the milk category to experience an increase in sales over the past year, experiencing 6.4% value growth compared to a decline of 1.6% in the standard cow’s milk sector.

With plummeting farm gate milk prices and the erosion of margins for producers, organic farming offers a very real opportunity to protect British family farming and the British countryside alike. New research from the Organic Trade Board – A Fresh Look at the Organic Consumer – shows that not only is the organic market growing but it is in better shape than we have seen in years.

The independent attitudinal research uncovered more detail about organic shoppers than has ever been compiled in the UK before and found that the market is still very firmly in its growth phase, with almost two-thirds of shoppers entering the market in the last five years and one-third joining in the last two years. Catherine FookesOrganic Trade Board

• The premature babies clinic near Belfast needs a constant supply of unpasteurised goat’s milk, because pasteurised milk putrifies in too short a time. It also lacks essential bacteria. Dougie KnightBelfast