Election 2015: Parties receive £4.2m donations in week three


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Almost £4.2m in donations were registered by four UK political parties in week three of the election campaign.

This compares with £1.7m reported in week two, and £2.5m in week one.

Labour narrowly topped the list for a third week in a row, with £1.53m, closely followed by the UK Independence Party which received £1.5m.

The Conservatives reported £1,083,479 of donations - more than double what they received in week two - while the Liberal Democrats received £75,000.

All parties standing candidates at the election are required by law to report any donations or loans over £7,500 to the elections watchdog, the Electoral Commission.

These figures relate to the period between 13 April and 19 April.

The fourth and final set of figures, for the last week of the campaign, will be published prior to polling day on 7 May.

Labour's total came from 13 cash donors, with the majority given by the unions; the GMB and CWU gave the party £600,000 and £500,000, respectively.

Meanwhile, UKIP's coffers were significantly boosted (from £8,000 in the second week) by a £1m donation from Richard Desmond, whose publishing company owns the Daily and Sunday Express.

Its other donation - of £500,000 - came from Growth Financial Services Ltd.

The Conservatives received 37 cash donations, with Lord Sainsbury the biggest donor , giving the party £150,000. Individuals Michael Davis and Chris Rea each handed over £110,000.

The party also reported receiving £9,727 of public funds from the Scottish Parliament.

The Lib Dems' £75,000 total was an improvement on the previous week's £50,000 - and was made up of two donations.

No loans over £7,500 were reported by any party.

As a result of new lobbying rules passed in 2014, individuals or organisations that campaign at elections but are not standing as candidates or political parties must also submit weekly reports of donations of more than £7,5000.

The Campaign for British Influence in Europe Limited registered a donation of £50,000 with the Electoral Commission, and the Network for Animals Limited reported receiving £15,000.