Election 2015 at-a-glance: Thursday 30 April campaigning


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A daily guide to the key stories, newspaper headlines and quotes from the campaign for the 7 May general election.

The Lib Dems and Conservatives come to blows over proposals for child benefit and tax credits, while Ed Miliband tells voters they have seven days to keep out a government that would be "devastating" for families. SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon tours 12 marginal seats by helicopter - as the Scottish Sun backs her party.

Day in a nutshell

Key quotes

Thursday's newspaper headlines

"Lib Dems to revolt over fresh pact with Tories" - The Times says Nick Clegg will face much resistance from his own party to any second coalition deal with the Conservatives

"Revealed: Tory plan to slash £8bn benefits" -The Guardian reports that plans to cut £8bn from the welfare bill discussed in 2012 have been revealed by Lib Dem 'quad' minister Danny Alexander

"Miliband heads for wipeout in Scotland" - The Telegraph leads on a poll suggesting the SNP will win every Westminster seat in Scotland

"40% of voters still can't decide" - The Daily Mail says its poll suggests the 7 May election will be the most unpredictable in a generation

Day in pictures

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