The James Dean Movie That Explains the Greek Debt Negotiations

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If you are the finance minister of a country, and word goes out that your role in crucial negotiations is being reduced, and your country’s cost to borrow plummets, it is not generally seen as an endorsement of your skills. It is the government equivalent of a corporate chief executive resigning and the company’s stock soaring.

But that is what happened on Monday with Greece’s finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis; after the government shook up its negotiating team to lessen his role in talks about restructuring Greece’s debts, the yield on the country’s two-year bonds fell by an astonishing 378 basis points, or 3.8 percentage points.

Markets were parsing the personnel shifts for signs of whether the negotiations would end in a Greek debt default or exit from the euro currency area, events that could ripple through the global economy in dangerous, hard-to-predict ways. But for another way to understand the events in Europe, it helps to look to a 1955 James Dean movie.

The simple version of the Greek talks is this: A new, leftist government came to power in Greece in January, pledging to rework the country’s arrangements with international creditors and thus ease the severe austerity measures that have devastated the Greek economy. The creditors, namely other European countries, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank, have been willing to make some concessions but basically expect Greece to make good on its obligations.

Along the way, the leaders of the Greek government have managed to annoy nearly all the people and institutions they need to make a deal with. Bloomberg chronicled how European leaders have become exasperated with Mr. Varoufakis, over everything from a lecturing style to an ill-timed photo spread of him and his wife in a French magazine.

The negotiations between Greece and its creditors are a classic game of chicken, a rather more complex version of the one in “Rebel Without a Cause.” Jim Stark, James Dean’s character in that film, is challenged to a “Chickie Run,” in which he and his rival, Buzz, drive stolen cars toward a cliff, with the loser being the young man who jumps to safety first.

What makes a game of chicken scary is that each competitor needs to risk his life to get the best outcome. The safest thing for the rivals to have done would have been to jump out of their cars to safety immediately (or perhaps never get in them at all), but that would mean conceding total victory to their opponent.

Similarly, the Greek government is most likely to get agreeable terms the closer a Greek exit from the eurozone, with its attendant unpredictable fallout, appears.

Part of what has been happening the last several weeks is that everyone is trying to assess just how bad that outcome would be. If their cars go over the cliff, does it mean certain death or mere injury? If the latter, both parties are likely to hold out longer, and the risk of going over the cliff thus would become higher.

From the creditors’ standpoint, it is clearly the case that Europe would be in better position to weather a Greek exit from the eurozone than a few years ago during the height of the Continent’s crisis. There is a stronger, centralized firewall from the European Central Bank to prevent the Greek crisis from rippling across in the form of bank failures and government defaults in countries like Spain and Portugal.

But no one knows for sure how what exactly would happen, and just seven years removed from the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and resulting global crisis, global policy makers would really rather not find out just how resilient the rest of the global financial system would be in the event of a Greek exit. And diplomatically, Greece has been sidling up to Russia, a none-too-subtle reminder that a Greek exit from the Europe could lead the country to form a deeper alliance with Vladimir Putin.

From Greece’s standpoint, an exit from the eurozone has even more straightforward negatives. A newly introduced currency would plummet, leaving its citizens poorer amid likely high inflation and further economic contraction. It might set the stage for future growth, but it would be a painful few years, which is why Greek public opinion polls strongly oppose such a move, and the government has consistently pledged not to let it happen.

To try to keep from going over the cliff, the Greek government seems to be changing drivers. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras assured that Mr. Varoufakis would remain in charge of the team, but that a deputy foreign minister would take over the day-to-day negotiating.

It is an open question whether the Greeks will prove more open to substantive concessions than they were before the change. It is possible that the personal distrust that had built between Mr. Varoufakis and the other European finance ministers was standing in the way of a potential accord; on the other, it may be that his hard-edge stance was the path to the best outcome for the Greek people, who would like to see endless cuts to pensions and wages end.

Either way, it’s useful to remember what happened in “Rebel Without a Cause.”

Things didn’t work out well for Buzz — his sleeve got caught on the door handle and he went off the cliff and perished. But they didn’t work out too well for the ostensible winner, either, who spent the rest of the movie dealing with the legal and moral fallout of a failed game of chicken.