Blind date Version 0 of 1. Lucy on Bruno What were you hoping for?Not to get stood up. I set the bar low. First impressions?He’s ginger. What did you talk about?Cycling, finding previous owners’ scribbles in secondhand books, Sean Bean and pig farms. Any awkward moments?When we were asked which white wine we wanted, and he replied “house”. Good table manners? Impeccable. Best thing about Bruno?His Joseph And The Technicolor Dreamcoat style jacket which he whipped out as we left the restaurant. Would you introduce him to your friends? Yes. Describe him in three wordsWell-read, interesting, tall. What do you think he made of you?I’m not sure. He seemed quite shy initially and I felt I was interviewing him. Did you go on somewhere? No. And... did you kiss? No. We hugged it out. And then I went for a weird handshake that failed. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?I probably wouldn’t have done the weird handshake. Marks out of 10? 6.5. Would you meet again? Yes, as friends. Bruno on Lucy What were you hoping for?A good story to tell. First impressions?Age mismatch. What did you talk about?Matlock, her younger sister and my older brothers, films I hadn’t seen and books I hadn’t read. Any awkward moments?When she got out her phone to show me a picture of her dog. Good table manners?Can’t fault them. Best thing about Lucy?Nice smile. Would you introduce her to your friends?I’m not sure she’d like that. Describe her in three wordsNot for me. What do you think she made of you?Probably not what she was hoping for on a Friday night. Did you go on somewhere?No (it wasn’t a school night). And... did you kiss?That was never on the cards. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?Everything felt a bit forced. Marks out of 10?10 (because I don’t agree with rating people). Would you meet again?Only by accident. • Lucy and Bruno ate at Tozi, London SW1 Fancy a blind date? Email For a free three-day trial on Guardian Soulmates, go to |