Calls for climate change minister

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The Treasury Committee has called for a new ministerial post to co-ordinate the fight against global warming.

A cross-governmental approach to climate change was essential, said MP John McFall, the committee's chairman.

Mr McFall said: "It needs to be headed up by a minister - someone who can become an effective Champion of Climate Change across government."

The committee's recommendation was made in response to the Stern Review into the economic impact of climate change.

Accountability needed

The committee welcomed the creation of the Office for Climate Change (OCC) as a move in the right direction.

The department was set up to encourage joined-up policy-making across the wide number of departments involved in addressing climate change.

But the Treasury Committee also said that there was still "a need for ministerial accountability in this important area".

In its response to the Stern Review, the committee was also critical of how few financial controls - such as levies and taxes - of environmental problems had been fully implemented.

Overall, the Government has failed to match its 1997 commitment to increase the use of green taxes John McFall, Treasury Committee chairman

The MPs criticised the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme for over-allocating emissions permits.

Mr McFall said: "We are very disappointed by the government's timid use of environmental taxes.

"True, they have introduced the climate change levy and aggregates levy but these are miniscule in the grand scheme of things.

"Overall, the government has failed to match its 1997 commitment to increase the use of green taxes."

The Treasury Committee's report comes as environmentalists warn that the early spring may be evidence climate change is happening much faster than has previously been predicted.