Nicola Sturgeon's head is Photoshopped onto Kim Kardashian's body as Newsnight give leaders the Milifandom treatment

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The producers behind hard-hitting political broadcast Newsnight have once again surpassed themselves with some particularly spectacular closing credits.

Making light of the sudden viral trend of #Milifandom, which sees teenage girls sharing their adoration of the puppy-eyed Labour leader with One Direction-style levels of dedication, they decided to give the other leaders a go by Photoshopping their heads onto famous people's bodies.

Cue Nigel Farage’s gurning chops sitting proudly atop the chiselled body of Daniel Craig as James Bond, emerging from the sea in a pair of Speedos. Nick Clegg becomes the far less attractive second cousin of Poldark.

And SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon? Well, she has her head superimposed on the Kim Kardashian Paper magazine cover that broke the internet last year.

Here’s some more of the media sexism Sturgeon has faced since she won that first leader’s debate.

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