Occupational hazard of a sunny outlook
http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/22/occupational-hazard-of-sunny-outlook Version 0 of 1. You recently reported on the rise in cases of skin cancer among older people (Report, 6 April). An increase in the popularity of cheap package holidays and the fashion for having a tan have been blamed. Yet our leisure time is not the only time for taking precautions with the sun. Our research reveals that every day in the UK, five people on average will contract skin cancer at work. Millions of us work outdoors, but too many of us fail to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays when we do. As part of our campaign to raise awareness and beat work-related cancers, No Time to Lose, the IOSH is releasing new and free guidance for businesses and their workers on how to stay safe when outside. Some simple and practical steps can be taken to help avoid contracting this painful occupational disease and we would encourage employees and employers to read the advice at www.notimetolose.org.ukShelley FrostExecutive director of policy, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) • Follow the Guardian letters desk on Twitter: @guardianletters |