Bristol University spinning dog project wants calm dogs

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Dogs who do not chase their tails or spin in circles are being recruited for a research project into dog behaviour.

Bristol University said the "unaffected dogs" were needed to compare with previous research into spinning dogs who displayed this "abnormal repetitive behaviour".

Dr Rachel Casey, from Bristol University, said "frequent spinning" could "damage paws" or be "a nuisance".

Healthy dogs of any breed can take part in the Bristol Spinning Dog Project.

Phd student Beth Loftus, who is running the study, said it was "unknown" whether the behaviour was a "welfare concern" for the dogs.

"We hope our findings will help us to identify dogs 'at risk' of developing these behaviours," she said.

Research findings into why dogs chase their tails and spin in circles have suggested a variety of possible reasons.

These ranged from the dog "anticipating an exciting event such as being fed or going for a walk" to being "frustrated or anxious".

The Bristol-based study is being funded by the Dogs Trust.