Frankie Boyle takes Britain's anti-immigration stance to task
Version 0 of 1. Frankie Boyle has outlined whey he believes being anti-immigration is hypocritical in a blistering column. Writing in The Guardian, Boyle picked apart the logic of Labour's campaign mug, which reads: "Controls on immigration. I'm voting Labour 7 May." Boyle wrote: "Could you hand Labour’s 'controls on immigration' mug to a guest? There’s nothing like jollying up a Macmillan Cancer Support coffee morning by making your neighbours feel like the pakoras were a little unwelcome. "Let’s not forget where coffee and tea come from: this mug is bitterly opposed to its own contents," he said. "Unless you drink hot Tizer from a coffee cup, the drink inside that mug will be an immigrant." The comedian added: "If we have become a self-satirising society, Ukip are just the broader end, the easy slapstick laughs. They even have a porn-star candidate." Are you undecided about who to vote for on 7 May? Are you confused about what the parties stand for and what they are offering? Take this interactive quiz to help you decide who to vote for... Click here to launch Ukip defended John Langley, aka "Johnny Rockard" - the porn-star vice-chair of the Bristol branch of the party to whom Boyle refers. Speaking to The Independent, Bristol chair Steve Wood said: "If this is what he wants to do, as long as it doesn’t involve kids or animals, he gets my vote." Boyle recently spoke out in support of SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, saying that people react with "muted horror" at a female leader, and that they were much more comfortable with the "Fifty Shades of Grey version of women’s liberation". |