Kermit's glass frog double discovered and he has an extraordinary translucent belly
Version 0 of 1. Scientists in South America have discovered a brand new species of frog – and he’s a dead ringer for Kermit the frog. Hyalinobatrachium dianae is an inch-long glass frog with identical bright green skin, a translucent belly, and bulging white eyes with black pupils. Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center found the new species of frog – named after the senior researcher’s mother Diane – on the Talamanca hills of the country, bringing the total known species of glass frogs on the island to 14. According to the research centre the last discovery of a new glass frog was in 1973, making this find big news for the scientific community. Brian Kubicki, one of the scientists involved in discovering the frog, said that the presence of the delicate creature was a “a good indicator of the general health of the eco-system.” He told the Daily Telegraph that the frog was distinctive from those found previously because of its colouring, skin texture and the unusual sound of its call. The amphibians, whose unusual name stems from their translucent bellies, are only found in parts of Central and South America. They are generally very small, ranging in size from 3cm to 7.5cm. |