Is the #SelfieEsteem campaign anything more than an internet gimmick?
Version 0 of 1. Selfie-esteem might be the worst portmanteau since smartch (smart watch), and it’s definitely worse than phablet (phone and tablet). But selfie-esteem, we are told, is tied to the practice of taking selfies. Women will take five selfies before being happy with the sixth effort, a survey has found, while men tend to post their fourth attempt. Research by OnePoll commissioned by the ITV show Good Morning Britain surveyed 5,000 people, including children as young as eight, to find out their attitudes towards self-image. 64% of women said they felt anxious having their photograph taken, and 41% of women said that looking at photographs on social media made them feel bad about themselves. In response, the TV show has launched a selfie-esteem “campaign” – encouraging people to upload to social media unedited, unfiltered, first-attempt selfies. The campaign is ostensibly a push back against the purchase good looks have in society, and our obsession with unobtainable beauty standards – especially in regards to celebrities, with their hidden armies of make-up artists, Photoshop wizards and stylists. I applaud the idea of encouraging people to value appearances less, and to recognise that 99% of us do not have eyebrows as perfectly groomed as Cara Delevingne’s (or her cheekbones), and to realise that’s ok. But it seems entirely counterproductive to launch a campaign to raise people’s self-esteem and drive the message home that looks aren’t everything by encouraging us to, er, take and upload pictures of ourselves. Susanna Reid – Good Morning Britain anchor and general good egg – uploaded her picture with the caveat “hair and make-up allowed”. This rather undermines a campaign encouraging us to be comfortable in our own skin and not obsess over appearance. Why is it bad to make sure the light is good, or a “best side” is facing the camera – but mascara and concealer is fair game? Reid’s selfie was also met with comments about how “stunning”, “beautiful” and “gorgeous” she looked. The presenter did look great, but if the #SelfieEsteem campaign just results in people complimenting each other on their looks, then it seems paradoxical. How does one even judge what constitutes “good selfie-esteem”? If a person uploads continuous selfies – duck face and all, or Calvins peeking out over stonewash jeans – does that mean an individual is super confident in their appearance? Or conversely, does it mean the individual is insecure and seeking validation? Launched with a segment on the show backed by the piano line of the Cinematic Orchestra’s To Build A Home (the go-to track for RSPCA adverts featuring emaciated puppies or X Factor bootcamp rejects), the whole thing feels artificial. In an almost exact replica of Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty (to be fair, at least Good Morning Britain isn’t selling anything), women and men looked into a mirror and assessed their appearance, as hidden impartial strangers did the same. Of course, these strangers aren’t impartial. These strangers are handpicked by ITV producers. While it is lovely to see strangers complimenting the appearance of individuals with low self-esteem, what else would one expect the hidden strangers to say? Everybody has attractive things about them. So-called imperfections often tend to be the things we find most endearing in the people we love. A crooked smile, pointy ears, a series of constellation of freckles which mirror Orion’s belt – whatever it is. We're encouraging you to post the 1st & unfiltered selfie for @gmb #SelfieEsteem campaign (hair & make-up allowed!!) Selfie-sticks and belfies Our selfie culture isn’t all bad, however. Selfie-sticks and belfies are cringeworthy, sure. But travelling alone, as I often do, it sometimes becomes necessary to take a selfie, to record the fact that you trekked to the top of the Atlas mountains. If you want to record a moment with friends – and want all of a group included in the picture – a selfie is sometimes the only option. I’m also partial to a shelfie – a selfie in front of a person’s bookshelves. The Instagram equivalent of totally judging a new acquaintance’s literary tastes the first time you set foot in their living room. Plus, it’s possible to produce creative and witty selfies – or selfies that produce belly laughs, some are hilarious. Who wasn’t a fan of the girl who darted across a football game? It’s not all about image. Selfies are not a new concept, it’s just that the unstoppable rise of front-facing camera phones and portable technologies has made them more prevalent and insidious. It’s mooted that Robert Cornelius produced the first ever selfie in 1839, and the brilliant Henri Cartier-Bresson was also a fan. #NoFilter #NoMakeup If Good Morning Britain wanted to really spread a message that appearances can be deceptive, and that it’s what is inside that counts, why not start a campaign to encourage people to share photographs of them achieving something, or participating in an interesting activity, or sharing a moment with a loved one – basically presenting something other than just what they look like? It is incredibly important to fight against negative body image – I’ve experienced body dysmorphia – and it’s important to teach our kids that it shouldn’t matter what we look like – the stats on youngsters and their body image are heartbreaking – but I don’t think this is the way to go about it. I can’t help but feel Good Morning Britain’s campaign will just end up flooding the internet with more selfies of people standing in front of mirrors, the reflection of the camera flash as bright as the sun. More #nofilter, #nomakeup hashtags, which have been a thing for ages anyway. And in that sense, it’s just another internet gimmick isn’t it? It’s all a bit selfie-obsessed. • How selfies became a global phenomenon |