Centre for Computing History in Cambridge gains £200k backing


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A computer museum says it has been "overwhelmed by the generosity" of people who helped secure £200,000 funding within a month.

The Centre for Computing History in Cambridge raised £100,000 since 10 March, and this will be matched by software company Red Gate.

It will pay for refurbishments and a new exhibition charting "the global impact of the computing revolution".

Museum director Jason Fitzpatrick said: "We are deeply grateful."

The museum opened in 2013, having moved from its old home in Haverhill, Suffolk, and features about 800 computers as well as old mobile phones and games consoles.

Mr Fitzpatrick said: "In its present condition, this building fails to do justice to the richness and variety of the collection.

"Although visitors can see, touch and use many of the superstar machines of the 70s, 80s and 90s, we lacked sufficient funds to show how each of these computers represents a step towards the small, powerful, multi-purpose devices most of us use today."

He said the new Tech Odyssey exhibition would help "tell the inspirational and epic story of the computing revolution to anyone - young and old, techie and no-geek alike".