Rampaging buffalo chases students around playground after breaking into school - video
Version 0 of 1. We have all heard of heavy snow, broken heating or a leak in the roof forcing a school to close for the day, but very rarely do we hear of schools being closed due to rampaging buffaloes in the playground. This is what happened in China last week, when pupils were sent, running, home after an escaped buffalo broke into their primary school in south-west China. Some students were said to have been chased across the playground by the bull after it broke through the main gate of the school in the Hinshui County and caused havoc. According to the buffalo's owner, the animal escaped after it had become frightened by the honking of car horns in the area. Teachers' efforts to stop the buffalo were in vain and it was not until police arrived on the scene that they were able to force it into one of the school’s storage rooms. After consulting with the animal’s owner, the decision was eventually taken to shoot the buffalo due to safety concerns. |