Election 2015: Why vote - your comments


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We asked if you are planning to vote in the UK general election on 7 May - one of the most tightly contested national polls in living memory.

We hosted a live debate on our @BBC_HaveYourSay Twitter account from 1600-1700 BST on Friday, 17 April, following the #BBCdebate of opposition leaders on BBC One and the News Channel on Thursday.

Here is a selection of some of the best comments and responses we received:

Llywedd in Gwynedd, Wales: I won't be voting because it doesn't matter who I vote for, as this area is a safe seat for Plaid Cymru.

Charles, Bedworth: Anyone who doesn't vote is an idiot. People fought for the right to vote. To throw that away is an insult to their memory

Here are some tweets in response to Charles' comment:

Amy Stott, Huddersfield: It's a disgrace Cameron and Clegg weren't on the BBC debate. How do they expect to get votes if they don't show up?

Karen Lee, Glasgow: I didn't vote in the last election due to apathy. The independence referendum politicised me, my friends and family. I feel this time that my vote counts and that makes me feel like my choice will make a difference for my children.

Peter, Bishops Stortford: Exactly why vote? This is the most boring election ever. No ideas except to counter what the next party is doing.

Mike in Hastings: I've only voted once. Until the first-past-the-post system changes to make it fairer, I will not be voting again.

Antonio, London: I am 57 and have never voted. I've been in the UK since I was 12. I feel I should now vote and have a say in this election.

Adam Turel, Bournemouth: I will always vote but there is no incentive to vote in a safe seat which returns the same party colours every time

Sandy, Essex: This time around, I'm afraid nobody is getting my vote. I'd rather abstain than vote for any of these awful candidates. The only one who's talking to British people is Farage but I don't agree with some of his policies so I cannot vote UKIP.

Here is a tweet in response to Sandy's comment:

Claire Wilkins, Chesterfield: I always vote. I think there will be a larger turnout this time as certain parties generate strong feelings.