Are you bored with the general election? Version 0 of 1. In our “Virgin voters” series, we listen to what young people and first-time voters have to say about the issues that matter most to them. This week, following a YouGov poll in which most people said they found the general election campaign so far boring, we ask if election fever is causing you to tune in, or drop out. Who says it’s boring? So are you switching off from this year’s general election coverage? What’s frustrating you about it? Let us know in the comment section below. ‘I’m bored of desperate attempts to appeal to young voters’ Joanna Freeman, 21, studying politics and French with Spanish at the University of Exeter, says: I was excited about the general election initially, however I feel like the campaigning has descended into childish arguing and personal attacks. I’m bored of the embarrassing adverts and desperate attempts to appeal to young voters. I’ve also found it frustrating that parties are focusing on things they think will entice young voters, rather than what’s important –there has been a lot of rhetoric surrounding tuition fees, for example. Despite this, I will definitely be exercising my right to vote. I don’t think apathy solves anything. ‘My Twitter timeline looks like a leaders’ debate’ Emily Townsend, 21, studying English literature at the University of Essex, says: I’m not bored, but there’s too much information at once. My Twitter timeline looks like the live feed of a leaders’ debate! I find there are too many policies covered by a range of media outlets to digest in one go. When parties change pledges to counteract their rivals, it’s hard to keep up. It would be great to see everything put into one place. I’d also like to see more candidates engage personally with the young electorate to clarify their position on certain topics. ‘I’ve had enough of negative campaigning and personal attacks’ Darren Mason, 20, studying politics and international relations at Lancaster University, says: The election coverage has been very boring, in particular the leaders debate. All the political speeches by the party leaders are mainly just attacking each other personally, with very little policy detail. This means there is no real chance to see what the parties actually want. The soundbites don’t connect with me because that’s all they are – soundbites. I will still be voting in May however. Voting is an integral part of our democracy and we have a civil duty to do it, regardless of how disenchanted we feel. ‘The media focus too much on Miliband’s inability to eat a bacon sandwich’ Katherine Lea, 18, studying English and drama at the University of Exeter, says: It’s easy to see why young people who know little about politics become disillusioned and uninterested. I wouldn’t say I was bored with the general election, but instead frustrated by the fact that fundamental questions are being skirted around because party leaders may not have the answers that voters want to hear. Politics is becoming a personality contest, and media articles focus on Ed Miliband’s inability to look good while eating a bacon sandwich. This is hardly conducive to society’s political awareness. The election is a crucial event for our country and I will definitely be voting in May, though I am in two minds regarding whom to vote for. ‘A lot of coverage seems centred on grown men arguing with each other’ Elinor Bridges, 19, studying biology with science and society, at the University of Manchester, says: I’m starting to get bored of the coverage. At first it interested me as I wanted to know more about the parties, but now it seems like the media isn’t focused on what the parties actually stand for. A lot of coverage seems centred on grown men arguing with each other. It should be easier for the public to find out what the politicians actually mean by what they say. The media should dedicate more time to making each party’s intention clear, because people are busy and often don’t have time to research the full manifestos themselves. ‘I’m not at all bored with the general election – it’s engaging if you take the time to invest in it’ Adam Chapman, 23, studying a masters in childhood and youth at the University of Bedfordshire, says: I’m not at all bored with the general election. It’s engaging once people invest the time it takes to watch and read updates on manifesto publications, interviews and soundbites from conferences. I’ll definitely vote – it’s important for us to have our say - though, like many people I’m still undecided on whom to vote for. ‘It’s the most important event of the year – the least we can do is take an interest’ Beth Cunningham, 23, studying an MA in journalism at the University of Sheffield, says: I’m not bored – I think this election is fascinating and it’s important to keep informed about it. This is, without a doubt, the most important event of year. What happens next month will pretty much decide our country’s fate for the next five years. Even if you don’t agree with the current electoral system, or feel you’ve no one you wish to vote for, surely the coverage is still interesting and significant enough not to be boring? It’s very frustrating that other people are uninterested. People have died for the right to suffrage. The least we can do is take an interest. Are you bored with the general election? – the view from Twitter: @gdnstudents not bored but frustrated with party leaders spending more time attacking opposition rather than explaining own manifestos @gdnstudents Not bored but disappointed by lack of attention to the needs of ethnic minority groups and students, both of which I am! @gdnstudents completely, no questions are getting straight answers and I don't have time to sit around trying to work out what they mean. @gdnstudents Bored of PR gurus dressing up their same old same old - yes. Maybe all broadcasts should just be a clear cut policy list. @gdnstudents completely disillusioned. Lie after lie after lie. They don't represent us, they represent Canary Wharf. Keep up with the latest on Guardian Students: follow us on Twitter at @GdnStudents – and become a member to receive exclusive benefits and our weekly newsletter. |