Backlash as Belarus imposes ‘social parasite’ law to fine unemployed

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Vital Yurchanka once ran a successful business selling shoes in his hometown of Homel, in south-eastern Belarus, but the deepening economic crisis in the country recently forced him to close up shop.

Under a new law, Yurchanka will have to pay $245 (£166) a year to the state in lieu of his taxes.

The legislation, known local as the “social parasite” law, has sparked dismay in Belarus, where many struggle to make ends meet. It has previously been described as a move to criminalise unemployment.

For Yurchanka the decree smacks of Soviet times, when “parasitism” was a criminal offence known as “tuneyadstvo” which, according to the Moscow Times, was based on the notion that “every able-bodied person has a duty to work and help build a utopian communist society.”

“This is like 1937. Go and work or we will force you to,” he said. “I think people will try to express their outrage and they will be right.”

How can such a decree be passed when there are no jobs in the city?

The new rules, signed into law by Belarus’ authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko earlier this month, aim to “stimulate able-bodied citizens to engage in labour activity and fulfil their constitutional obligation to participate in financing state expenditures.”

Adults who have not paid income tax covering at least 183 days of employment per year will be fined. Failure to pay will be punishable by additional fines and ultimately by detention, followed by community service.

According to the decree, certain categories of citizens are exempt, including students, parents caring for three or more children, minors, and people over the retirement age.

Yurchanka has launched an online petition on the popular website demanding that the controversial new law be scratched.

The petition says the fines violate the constitution, which protects the economic interests of citizens and bans the enforcement of community work without a court ruling.

The petition has already been signed by more than 25,000 people, many of whom are using the platform to vent their anger.

“So a woman who has three children is good, but a woman who has two children and who brings them up and takes care of the house is now a social parasite?” wrote one signatory .

“How can such a decree be passed when there are no jobs in the city?” wrote another.

Critics are also poking fun at the law with the hashtag, #придумайналогдлябеларуси (literally translated as “think up a tax for Belarus”) inviting users to propose their own, mock tax initiatives.

The Twitter account @Belaruski_front suggested taxing newborns: “Congratulations! You have given birth to another taxpayer! 3200! The cashier is on the first floor!”

Теперь в роддомах будут говорить: "Поздравляем! У вас родился налогоплательщик! 3200! Касса на первом этаже! #придумайналогдлябеларуси

One proposed a tax on reading. “You read, you pay. Clever people are proliferating, the country needs workers.”

Налог на чтение. Читаешь - плати, поразводилось тут умных, стране нужны рабочие #придумайналогдлябеларуси

Another suggested imposing a tax on stargazing. “Look at the sky... It’s free but not in Belarus.”

Смотрите в небо... Оно бесплатно но не в Беларуси - плати #придумайналогдлябеларуси