Nigerian election: readers tell us what should be on President Buhari's agenda

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As the dust settles after Nigeria’s history-making election, the focus has shifted to the road ahead for president-elect Muhammadu Buhari. He is set to be inaugurated on 29 May, and Nigerians are busy discussing what the new government will achieve in its first 100 days and beyond. When the election was decided, we asked readers to share their hopes for Nigeria’s future. Below are some of the main issues that were raised.

Stop Boko Haram

Related: 800,000 children in Nigeria 'running for their lives' from conflict, says Unicef | Sam Jones

The Islamist militant group Boko Haram has become one of the biggest threats to Nigeria’s security. Okonta Emeka in Delta state told us that defeating insurgents must be the top priority for Buhari and his cabinet. “Enough hasn’t been done to stop Boko Haram. It will be a bigger problem if the government doesn’t find the root cause and their sponsors,” Emeka said.

As the country marks one year since Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls from their school in Chibok, there is pressure on the new government to act on freeing the remaining girls. Nigerian university student Redeem told us via email that she wanted to see the government work with campaigners to tackle the problem. “The problem we’ve had is that we felt the government has not listened properly when we told them to help #bringbackourgirls; if they can’t listen what hope do we have?”

Fix the power supply

One of the most common issues raised by readers was the country’s inconsistent supply of electricity. For the 40% of Nigerians connected to the power grid, there are constant concerns of price hikes and frequent blackouts. Roland Digieneni in Bayelsa state told us the electricity supply was among the most important issues Buhari should tackle. “My community in the Niger delta want the new president to deal with corruption, pollution, youth unemployment and electricity. Electricity is actually the biggest issue on people’s lips – in a region famous for its oil, electricity is intermittent at best,” he said. Emma Ojibah, in Rivers state, agreed. “Electricity is one issue our government at all levels must keep politics aside and do something quickly about. This ugly power supply reality is biting hard at our people and economy,” she said.

Sade Olusanya said she wanted to see consistency in the delivery of government projects. “Steady electricity, water supply and good road network will help the socio-economic development of Nigeria. I want the new government to focus on one major project at a time to execute, complete and implement for greater accountability and transparency rather than trying to execute multiple projects which are often mismanaged, incomplete and abandoned,” she said. “Let this system of getting things done filter down to the local governments at the grass roots, so that corruption and project mismanagement can be monitored and controlled.”

End corruption

Guardian Witness user Patrick Braih summed up his reason for voting for Buhari:


Mr President - elect......

I stayed on a queue for 4 hours....

And voted you to lead the country for the next 4 years....

Not for any other reason....

But to tackle corruption and extinguish its fiery hold on the nation....

Even if that's all you accomplish in your dispensation,

You would have saved the country from destruction....

And preserved it for my grand children.....


Sent via Guardian Witness

By Patrick Braih

7 April 2015, 6:31

Braih wasn’t alone, with the need to combat corruption high on the agenda for voters. Best Uso in Rivers state said Nigerians would have to wait to see if the anti-corruption measures touted by Buhari would have an effect. “I wanted a change of government and the doom of the current administration. However, I do not have total faith in the assertion that this change in administration will guarantee a corrupt[ion]-free Nigeria, but I think we should try something new.” One of our Twitter followers, @oluwaseuntuase, shared his similar hope for the future:

@GdnDevelopment A Nigeria where the common resources could be seen to be used for common good. #Buhari

‘Nigerians want change’

Finally, Guardian Witness user Babals summarised the hopes of Nigerians following a momentous election win for Buhari:

Nigeria's Elections.

There are currently 10.5 million Nigerians out of school in Nigeria and as a consequence of this adult ilteracy is on the rise, many Nigerians are unable to access basic amenities and live on less than a dollar a day. Nigerians want change, which is why they voted in large numbers, the gap between the rich and poor gets wider by the day and on top of this the country is threatened by insecurity, many Nigerians want to see all the above changed under the new leadership of President Buhari.

Sent via Guardian Witness

By Babals

4 April 2015, 3:44

What do you think should be on Buhari’s agenda? You can continue to share your thoughts on Nigeria’s future via Guardian Witness or in the comment thread below.