Game of Thrones: your essential primer for season five

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Spoiler warning: contains references to events in seasons one to four of Game of Thrones.

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The Lannisters

Westeros’s prime movers were left in something of a sticky spot after youngest son Tyrion slew his father Tywin with a crossbow. Tyrion was last glimpsed sailing for shores unknown in the company of “Master of Whispers” Varys, which at least provides for a potentially entertaining new buddy duo in season five. As to Tyrion’s siblings: Jaime will presumably be wrestling with the guilt of freeing his younger brother and thus indirectly causing his father’s death, while Queen Mother Cersei finally has access to the power she’s always dreamed of. Will she use it for good? The evidence of the past four seasons suggests otherwise.

The Starks

By the close of the fourth season, the ever-diminishing Stark clan was scattered to the corners of Westeros and beyond. Eldest daughter Sansa was last seen clad in dramatic black, apparently firmly in (the supremely slippery) Littlefinger’s corner after supporting his version of her aunt Lysa’s death. Meanwhile, middle child Bran survived a brutal march north and looks set to continue his vision quest in a conveniently placed Weirwood tree, while Arya, seemingly increasingly disturbed, boarded a ship heading for Braavos and an unknown future. Then there’s youngest son Rickon, little seen on screen. Where has Osha taken him?

The Targaryens

The last surviving Targaryen, Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons and collector of titles, has set up home in the former slave city of Meereen to try to learn the basics of governance before launching her attack on Westeros. Unfortunately, she has also been forced to banish her oldest adviser Ser Jorah Mormont after discovering his betrayal, and chain up two of her dragons underground, the third having vanished after killing a child. None of which suggests this season is likely to be happy for the young queen.

The Tyrells

Westeros’s great survivors spent much of season four ensuring that they remained closely connected to the throne, the death of Joffrey not so much an unfortunate setback as a plot orchestrated by the Queen of Thorns to ensure Margaery’s new husband was a Lannister prince who wasn’t also a murderous torturer. As a result, the Tyrells are currently sitting very pretty – or will be, so long as a newly empowered Cersei allows Margaery to marry Tommen.

The Baratheons

Stannis Baratheon, rightful heir to Westeros (in his mind at least), pulled off the surprise move of last season when he rocked up at the Wall just in time to save Jon Snow and co from wildling devastation. What does Stannis want? Ultimately, a kingdom – but while Red Priestess Melisandre is by his side, it is difficult to determine which kingdom or how he means to take it. Two things are certain: our men on the Wall are in for an uncomfortable time, given Stannis’s rigid adherence to what he sees as right, and Davos Seaworth will continue to be the most decent man in the Seven Kingdoms.

The Greyjoys

Their house motto proclaims: “We do not sow,” in reference to a raiding past, but on the evidence of the past four seasons, the Greyjoys don’t do much of anything else either. Poor Theon, tortured past breaking point and reborn as Reek, was last seen following a newly legitimised Ramsay Bolton north to Winterfell. Sister Yara, meanwhile, has abandoned her brother to his fate following a botched rescue attempt. Will she reconsider?

The Night’s Watch

The brothers had a torrid time defending the Wall against Mance Ryder’s wildling army, thanks to their severely depleted numbers. Stannis’s arrival saw off that attack, but the Night’s Watch is still in disarray and has yet to vote for a new Lord Commander. Questions to be answered include: how long can Sam continue to keep Gilly and baby living with him at the Wall? And what exactly does Melisandre want with Jon Snow?

The Martells

We currently know little about Dorne’s ruling family, save that they are a proudly independent principality – their motto is “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” – and that their emissary to Joffrey’s wedding, the late and much lamented Oberyn Martell, was expert with spear and poison, but not so good at staying quiet and finishing the job. Season five, however, promises a trip to Dorne and some answers as to what the game’s newest players might want.

Game of Thrones returns to HBO on 12 April at 9pm, to Foxtel on 13 April at 11am AEST, and to Sky Atlantic on 13 April at 9pm.