Tony Blair and Britain’s role in Europe and beyond Version 0 of 1. Tony Blair’s reported warning of the danger to the stability and prosperity of the UK of a referendum on the EU is timely (Cameron’s EU vote threatens chaos – Blair, 7 April). Given the declared intentions of the Conservatives, Ukip and the Greens to let the voters decide about membership, there has been a worryingly poor level of discussion on the repercussions for our trade with other European countries following any vote favouring EU exit, and very little public debate as to precisely how the nature of immigration might change. In the “leaders’ debate”, Nigel Farage was the only person to reveal his hand, making a nostalgic appeal to increased trade with countries of the Commonwealth, a position redolent of Imperial Preference. But what about our major trading partners in Europe? No one mentions the European Economic Area, and whether Britain would remain within this group of 30 states. Norway rejected EU membership twice in 1962 and 1994, but chose for obvious economic reasons to join the EEA; and when a country signs up to the EEA, it also signs up to the basic principles of the EU – free movement of goods, capital, services and people between member states. So the only way we can control immigration from Europe and not pay EU contributions would be to abandon both the EU and the EEA. We need to grill our “leaders” on their future policies regarding the European Economic Area.Paul TattamTeignmouth, Devon • Tony Blair is right to warn that Cameron’s commitment to an EU referendum threatens chaos. What Blair did not mention is that the most serious deficit we face is a huge trade deficit, which makes us precariously dependent on the inflow of hot money (excluding capital invested in companies and property ). The current account deficit, according to the IMF, is some $120bn, and the inflow of hot money is some $210bn. Both this deficit and the inflow of hot money are the largest of any OECD country. If, after the election, we are committed to a referendum and polls show a serious chance of Brexit, hot money is likely to flow out rapidly and economic crisis will follow.Dick TaverneHouse of Lords • Mr Blair is right to speak up for Britain’s role in the European Union, an organisation which clearly needs a lot of help at the moment, apparently trapped in a northern European mindset of well-intentioned universal principles applied with totalitarian consistency. Blair did well when he actually ran a British foreign policy, and we punched at or above our weight. Think Northern Ireland, Sierra Leone, Kosovo. But then he did what Harold Wilson refused to do, outsourcing UK policy to the United States over Iraq. Arguably more seriously, he damaged our governance by exercising the royal prerogative via an unelected sofa cabinet rather than the one that democracy had given him. Ever since, he has continued to confuse Britain’s role in the modern world with his own. Mr Cameron has been of no use either, still thinking that somehow European wars can be won on the playing fields of Eton, or at least posturing in Brussels; and at a worldwide level continuing Blair’s poodling to the US. The UK lost an opportunity to nip Syria (and therefore Isis) in the bud by working with Kofi Annan’s six-point peace plan in 2012, because Washington told us not to. Cameron should also have had the strength of purpose to tell the US, along with Nato, to butt out of eastern Europe, and embolden the EU to work assertively with Russia to build a federal Ukraine. Blair’s greatest contribution to this election would be to acknowledge his mistakes to Labour, but more importantly to Britain, for bringing us to our present state of punching with no weight at all in either Washington or Brussels (or should that be Berlin?).Tim DyceLondon • Ed Miliband would be better off clarifying his economic policy than denouncing the Tory plan for an EU referendum if he wishes to win over the City (Report, 30 March). It is crystal clear that the UK is already semi-detached from the EU since it is outside the eurozone as a result of Labour’s own policy. As a result it will not be part of any future moves to integrate the tax and parliamentary systems of most of Europe. The City knows this. It must also know that the EU is determined to do everything possible to undermine the City’s future. Finally, any sensible person must be aware that Labour will find it impossible to govern if it attempts to ignore the national demand for a referendum. Go figure, Ed! Why reject a democratic initiative in order to placate an economic elite that will not believe and does not support you anyway?Professor Alan SkedLondon School of Economics • The next UK government will need to raise more tax revenue, but Larry Elliott misses one big proposal on the table (Analysis, 6 April). We’re calling for a tax-dodging bill that would introduce specific measures to crack down on tax avoidance by big UK companies, which would help both Britain and developing countries. A well-crafted bill could bring in an extra £3.6bn for the UK exchequer, and an estimated £3bn a year in poorer countries – money that is vital for poverty reduction. It’s a no-brainer – polling shows that 80% of people believe no political party has gone far enough in their promises to tackle tax-dodging. With a growing array of public supporters, civil society organisations, businesses, economists, academics and faith leaders backing the call, it’s time for all parties to commit to action.Jenny RicksHead of campaigns, ActionAid UK |