Watch bees attack children as Barack Obama reads to them at annual White House Easter Egg Roll - video
Version 0 of 1. Barack Obama’s reading was “all the buzz” yesterday when a swarm of bees attacked a group of children as they listened to his presidential version of the Maurice Sendak’s classic book Where the Wild Things Are. The children were set upon as they sat in the White House Garden for story time with Obama as part of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Attempting to calm the youngsters down, the president can be heard saying over the screaming, “Oh no, it’s a bee. That’s OK, guys. Bees are good, they won’t land on you. They won’t sting you, they’ll be OK.” With the children still clearly unsettled, one of the children shouts “but they are scary”, to which Obama replies, “You guys are wild things! You’re not supposed to be scared of bees when you’re a wild thing!” The bees were most likely from the White House’s very own beehive on the South Lawn where 70,000 bees are kept to provide honey for the kitchen. The annual egg roll, which is now in its 138th year, sees thousands of children and their families from all 50 states in the US invited to the White House to take part in the Easter egg roll. The event also saw Michelle Obama perform the full version of her dance routine to Uptown Funk, which was previewed last month on the Ellen DeGeneres show. |